Q & A with Matt Wood
(Co-Founder – The WoodMor Foundation)
The Artic Survival Challenge
Why are you doing the Artic Challenge? And who is joining you?
Essentially, I’m doing this challenge to understand what Gill & our future Woodmorers will be up against, so that in turn we can ensure that future Explorers can reach and surpass their full potential.
When did you start preparing for the Challenge?
My wife – and co-founder Clare and I have been training for over a year with great help from our Woodmor PT – Brian Wright.
What training did you do to prepare for the Challenge?
Balance, coordination, endurance and strength training.
Can you explain a little about your journey with preparation and the difficulty if any, you have had whilst preparing for this challenge?
For me, it was all about ensuring that I was mentally prepared more that physically prepared really. Living, working and being with 11 strangers 24/7 in a strange and unfamiliar place for a week is not something that anyone can easily do, it requires inner strength, resilience, individuality, confidence, courage, being open and honest. It involves teamwork, patience, understanding, acceptance, empathy and much more. Whilst ive served in the Military before my current career these ‘things’ do not come naturally to everyone and nor so to me to start with.
I know that you are raising money as well in support of WoodMor Foundation and BASE how did you get involved with them?
I first found BASE through a likeminded friend who thought it would be good for me & BASE to meet as I had a lot of experience in the world of disability and employment too.
Music really motivates me to exercise, and I wanted to know what music motivates you when you have been training?
I have two playlists: old school 80-s & 90s to remind me of my past and my progress and one specific list that I used for my Marathon & Ultramarathon training. Music is very personal, and I believe that what ever works for you – works.
Can you explain the next challenge that you will be doing and a little about it?
Next up for me is Le Chemin De liberty ( The Freedom Trail across the Pyrenees) in July.
We wish you all the best and thank you for sharing details about your amazing Artic Survival Challenge.
If you wish to follow The WoodMor Foundation will be posting amazing challenges.
Click here : WoodMor Foundation (enthuse.com)